Thursday, April 8, 2010

Film -- "An Education" I Actually Enjoyed

One of the best parts of living at home recently was completely commandeering my father’s Netflix. Recently on my cue was “An Education”, the Oscar nominated film starring Carey Mulligan, that did not get nearly as much press as it should have. I watched it on my laptop en route to NYC on the Bolt Bus, and STILL I loved it. Carey plays a 16 year old (kind of young for the story, but people were into way more crazy ish in the 60’s), who after falling for a wealthy man, is awakened from her dull life before, of over-bearing parents, and strict all-girls school (no rainbow GBSA flags, or Cupcake Prank Day a la Winsor). I enjoyed Carry’s fresh face and all the British accents, but the message was there too, and maybe not so dated – Why do we (women) push ourselves to achieve academically if it only matters in the end that we marry? And whom we marry? And when all that school is so f-ing BORING? Checkie checkie the trailer HERE, and put it on YO cue!

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