Friday, July 23, 2010

Weekend Sweetness

When I was 4 years old, I confessed to my mother that I was a Chocoholic. Sadly this addiction has haunted me for 19 years. Although chocolate is delicious paired with just about anything (mint, orange, strawberry, vanilla, more chocolate, pretzel, marshmellow, banana, this is embarrassing...), my absolute FAVORITE is peanut butter.

This recipe came from, an awesome site where you can find recipes based on pictures of delicious dishes. The wide variety of pictures then click through to hundreds of different websites, from personal blogs to food network. Warning: you might find drool on your keyboard if you browse for too long.

This Chocolate Peanut Butter pie is so easy to make, and the chilled mousse-like texture of the peanut butter is amazing in the summer heat. Add some chocolate drizzle on top (and chocolate chips, if you're trying to get crazy).... Ooooh baby.

Recipe found here:


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